
Major Public Collections (Selected)

Brooklyn Museum
California State University Long Beach
California State University Los Angeles
Chicago Art Institute
Cranbrook Museum of Art
Des Moines Art Center, Iowa
Detroit Institute of Art
El Camino College
Fresno Metropolitan Museum
Grunwald Foundation
Janice-Dada Museum, Israel
Kinsey Institute, Indiana
Kresge Corporation Collection, Michigan
Library of Congress
Loma Linda University, Riverside
Long Beach Museum of Art, California
Los Angeles County Museum of Art
Milwaukee Art Museum
Muckenthaler Foundation
Museum of Modern Art, New York City
Museum of Modern Art, San Francisco
Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo, Japan
National Collection, Smithsonian Institute
New Mexico State Collection
Oakland Art Museum
Oklahoma City Art Museum
Pasadena Art Museum
Pushkin International Museum, Moscow
Rockhill Nelson Museum, Kansas City
Rosenwald Print Collection
San Diego Museum of Art
San Jose Art Museum
Santa Barbara Museum of Art
Schneider Museum of Art, Oregon
Tamarind Foundation, New Mexico
Toledo Museum of Art, Ohio
University of California, Los Angeles
University of California, Riverside
University of California, Santa Barbara
University of Southern California
Victoria and Albert Museum, London
Washington Gallery of Modern Art, Washington DC
Whatcom Museum of Art, Washington